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A recent family session at the beach, sigh, Beach Family Portraits, they make my heart sing!

I love the beach, I could move there in a heartbeat.  Having grown up at the beach I miss everything about it, the smell of the ocean, the salt on my skin the sand between my toes (and everywhere else).  And the sound, the sound of waves crashing.  Far North Queensland is where I grew up, or I think now they call it Tropical North Queensland.   The only time there were waves was cyclone season or when a trawler would go up the river and the bow waves would hit the sand, nonetheless, I miss it.  I also miss that feeling of complete contentment, looking out at the ocean, looking out towards nothing, the peace it would bring is amazing.  Throw a sunset in there and I’m in my zen place.

I felt all of this before the session started, just standing there staring out into the ocean.  And then these three awesome kids awoke me from my sand dreams and got the blood pumping.  So much energy, so much fun.  We ran up sand dunes, we ended up in the water (it always ends up in the water) and that fun came through in their beautiful images – I love the fun bit.

When we planned the session out, I really encouraged a trip to the beach, knowing that this family enjoyed their time there – and it was completely worth it.  I love photographing families – there you go, I’ve said it again.  But I love more than anything, photographing them having fun.

What an awesome afternoon, one session I’ll never forget.