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ME – Excuse me doctor, but I have had this strange sickness for about a month now, and its driving me insane.

DR – interesting Lynda, can you explain the symptoms for me.

ME – well, there have been the sleepless nights, the restlessness, biting of the nails, knots in the stomach, eye twitching, I’m so easily distracted, and each time I see the letters A P P A together or someone mentions Melbourne I get this wave of nerves come over me.  Do you have something I can take?

DR – I have had a few people in with this lately, I think what you have is APPA FEVER.


OK, I may have been a little hyped up when I wrote the above, but its a little how I’ve felt over the past month.  This weekend was the judging of the annual Australian Professional Photography Awards, or as we photographers call it APPA.   This is my 3rd year as an accredited member of the AIPP and have been learning about the awards process and building up the courage to enter.  This year was my first time entering and I won two silver awards in the portrait category for my efforts – a huge success and I am so thrilled with my awards.

I of course wanted to share these awards on my blog so here they are, a little different to my regular client work, but hey, that is what the awards are all about.  I can’t wait to get my prints back and put them up on the wall.