Now we have time…
My photography sessions going forward have been postponed indefinitely.
I photograph people. This involves contact with people which can’t really be avoided, so at this point, that’s me done for now. I’ll be back shooting on the other side with all the passion and love for what I do and I can’t wait to see you then in front of my camera.
What does this mean for me now though? Do I just sit and binge watch netflix and old Friends episodes while eating italian gelato from the tub?
Well, I can’t guarantee that won’t happen at some point, after all, I am human. But in all seriousness, no, for a couple of reasons.
Firstly, I have 3 kids. They are watching me and seeing how I react in a crisis. Do I go to pieces? At some stage possibly and I won’t hide from that. Will I just sit back and accept this fate; bury my head in the sand until it blows over? Will I give up on my dreams of doing what I love? No, I’m going to make the most of this gift of time I have been given to make our life better going forward.
Secondly, when we do come out the other side, I want to be ready to launch out of the gates and ready to photograph all the people I’ve missed out on seeing. This stuff is important, its our life and future, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to stumble at the start line.
My plan is simple. I’m redefining what is on the to do list. Starting from scratch going through and looking at all things I have left behind to do “when I have time”, and I’m doing them. Because guess what I’ve got now, TIME.
This is not just about business either. This is about all aspects of my life. I’m going to clean out cupboards and do the things that will make our life easier when we get to leave the naughty corner and resume some form of normalcy at the other end. I’m working on the budget – personal and business. Boring I know, but imagine not having to think about it for 12 months, doesn’t that sound awesome. I’m working on things behind the scenes, while also allowing for a little time to appreciate the downtime.
One of my personal projects is going to be celebrating my photographs. Here is what I’ll be doing:

Old Photos
So this is one of the boxes in cupboard of old photos. My mum, bless her crafty socks, was a whizz with the sewing machine, but wasn’t all that inclined with the preservation of our photographs. She has started giving me all the family photos for me to, “sort out”. The ones of me and my sisters when we were kids. The prom photos, the baby photos, my first fishing rod (yes, I was/am a fisher-person), the netball carnivals and all the other crazy moments in between.
Why has she given them to me?
These were film days! Days where we didn’t have a smart phone in our pockets for every moment we ever had. For those days when we had a camera and took photos, we waited until the film was finished and we took the film to the camera store to have them developed. She gave them to me so I can digitise them and organise them. Right now, they are sitting in the cupboard in a few boxes. And my aim is to start working on them bit by bit. Its a huge job, but one I am going to get my kids to help with too. I’ll share a post on my progress here too so keep your eye out for updates.
Not as old photos
So these are the ones I have curated. but still, prior to digital. I have albums of photos prior to 2002 when I went digital, and I’m going to work on scanning them and getting them digitised as well. I also have a craft project I’ll be sharing on this one, so stay tuned for that too.
New photos
You are about to spend a lot of time together. Spend some time capturing this time, it might not be pretty, it might not be polished, but man, its going to be real. I’m going to share these with you too, and I would love to see yours. Will share a post on this project as well.
As a family photographer, our family memories are really valuable to me, what better thing to use this gift of time for, than to create memories and preserve them for years to come.
Great plan Lou, I love the 2 pics. I recognize the girl with the perm. x