1st Day of School Photos
It’s that time of year. Every Queensland parent, first timers and seasoned pros, is frantically labelling books, covering them, and buying lunch boxes they live in hope will return every day for the next 300 days. We can only hope right. For some, its the last week to struggle with holiday child care, and the weekend will be filled with trips to Officeworks and KMart to get whatever things they have missed on the school list.
Come Tuesday morning, we are exhausted, and a little excited for that relaxed and calm ride to work we’ll enjoy today or perhaps a sneaky silent and quiet coffee in peace. And suddenly, oh crap, everyone out the front now I am taking a photo of the first day of school, and god-dammit you are going to smile Johnny if its the last thing you do.
In order to make the process a little smoother this year, here are my 3 tips for those who struggle this time of year to get the perfect Facebook ready, first day of school photo for 2020.
Tip #1 – Ensure the device is ready the night before
OK, let’s face it. We are all going to use our phones for this. So fingers crossed, you’ve remember to put it on the charger the night before and have it ready to go. You’ll also need enough storage on it or the cloud to get your 20 shots, in the hope of just 1 photo turning out without Sally with her grumpy face on because her pig tails aren’t even.
Tip #2 – Tell them you are leaving the house 10 minutes early
OK kids, we are leaving the house at 8am, and you need to be at the front door at 7:50am. This is exactly how it works in my house. I have no idea why people struggle with this bit but it seems to be a common theme (insert sarcastic and evil laugh)
Tip #3 – Location, Location, Location
Scope out a spot the morning before, when the light is the same as it will be when you are taking the photo. I find our front door is the best spot at ours from a light perspective. You also want to find a spot with a background which is not distracting the viewer from their precious little sparkling clean cherub faces. So keep it simple.

I have on many occasions, skipped the photo at home, and headed straight to school 30 minutes early, nabbed a good park, and taken their first day of school photos at school rather than at home. Just make sure you get there before their best mate otherwise you will loose them in the playground forever.
And if that all fails…
I have also been known to take the first day of school photo in the afternoon, dirt, paint and all. Really at the end of the day, all that matters is that you have taken it and you have it stored somewhere you won’t loose it. Because we are all meticulous about backing up our devices aren’t we??

Don’t forget as well, in 2-3 years will you really remember if it was the first day of school or the second? There is enough pressure on us mums and dads as it is, without the pressure of a “first day of school” photo. Share it later in the week, and get back to enjoying your commute into work, or your mani-pedi, or perhaps, like me, it will be a run through the Bush trails.
However you spend it, Happy First Week Back to School parents – lets all try to relax and enjoy the ride.